Writing your first blog

Problems look mighty small after starting

Posted by Akash chaudhary on March 17, 2014

So you want write a blog huh? that's cool i mean blogging can actually change live and makes you a better person.Lets look at some excuses people make for not writing blog

  • I even don't know anything about web development
  • I don't have that much time
  • It requires a lot of time and effort
  • I don't know where to start with

Thomas Albert says:

Blogging is a tool that lets you do anything from changing the world to sharing shopping list

Things you need::

  1. Content for blog
  2. Planing
  3. Wordpress account
  4. Patience
  5. Laptop
  6. and internet connection of course..

STEP 1::

First of all have a clear understanding of what you want to write and who will be your target audience.Blogging is all about sharing information and personal experiences so that other may get benefited from them and make thee world a better place

STEP 2::

You will need a blogging platform such as Wordpress, Blogger, Joomla and lots more....
This step is rather coonfusing for new comers as which platform is best but I will make that simpler for you Happy.Well i personally prefer wordpress as it have a very large supporting community with lots for free templets so that you can fire up your blog in just few minutes without diggiong into technical aspects of webpage and saves your energy for planning and writing your blog.

STEP 3::

Enough talking head to wordpress.com

STEP 4::

Select start new Blog.

STEP 5::

Choose desired theme

STEP 6::

Choose a Blog name

STEP 7::

Select free account

STEP 8::

Enter email address and password


your Blog is working